Explore detailed profiles of companies, startups, and investors. Stay updated on industry trends, funding rounds, and innovation worldwide.
Crunchbase helps you discover companies, startups, and investors.
Comprehensive database of companies and investors.
Some features require a paid subscription.
A platform connecting startups with investors and talent.
Offers startup job listings and investment opportunities.
Focuses more on early-stage startups and less on comprehensive business insights.
Provides data and research n startups, investors, and emerging technologies.
High-quality market research and technology trends.
Primarily targets corporate users with high subscription costs.
A platform offering private market data and insights for investors.
Extensive data on venture capital, private equity, and M&A.
Expensive and geared towards institutional users.
Data platform for tech ecosystems, startups, and venture capital.
Detailed insights into European and global tech ecosystems.
Smaller database compared to some competitors.
Data-driven insights on startups and companies.
Easy-to-navigate platform with growth signal tracking.
Discontinued standalone product and integrated into other platforms.